Android vs. Apple

4.7.11 The Reporter 0 Comments

 Image by Today's iPhone

Apple has conditioned its fanboys and fangirls that in order to be "cool," Apple everything is the only way to go. However, the Android happened. Suddenly, those with incomplete Apple conditioning are starting to get swayed.

The great part about Apple products is that they are engineered to perfection. Or at least, near-perfection. Built to sync across devices, if you wanted a world of perfect synchronization from laptop to desktop to tablet to phone and even mp3 player, live in the Apple World. All you need is an iTunes app and you're all set.

The bad part about Apple is that it's Apple who calls the shots on how your device is going to behave.

Not so with the Android. If the iPhone's characteristic design and layout of its interface is a comforting predictable to you, then maybe you really were meant to remain an Apple fan. But if you're like a good number of geeks who aren't content with how the manufacturer designed its gadget and are itching to mod your machine to death, then you're not meant to stick to Apple. You were meant for greater things. And if it's a phone or a tablet you're after, you're meant for the Android.

The Android as a machine is the geek's uber-toy. When you get your Android, root it in order to gain total control over your new baby. Then after you do, customize it to the full.

The iPhone's dashboard is like a jellybean crate: a random spread of your phone's offerings. The Android's dashboard, on the other hand, is a maximizer's dream: no pixel is left to waste as each icon brings you a functionality you can program. You can tweet directly from your dashboard, you can customize it so you can call your family with one click, or you can organize your dashboard to suit the profiles you need.

Want to group your social networking apps in one place? Doable. Want to keep your email, organizer/calendar and to-do list in another? Can do. Want to create separate panels for SMS and phone functions? Yes you can. The Android is highly customizable. It doesn't box you in on one interface that you may not necessarily be fond of.

And did we mention that the Android has flash and multitasks really well?

Don't blame us when you ditch your iPhone.

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