Exciting Super-Droids Coming Our Way

31.8.11 The Reporter 0 Comments

Yesterday, we talked about the things you need to look out for when on the market for a new Droid. We established that the ROM, the CPU and the RAM are the most important aspects of your purchase. These determine the speed of your Android and how many apps you will be able to install and enjoy on your Android machine.

Today, we're letting you in on an industry open secret: Android device makers are working overtime to give you faster, more juiced-up Droids over 2011.

These Droids have CPU Speeds of 1GHz to 1.2GHz, RAM from 512MB, 768MB up to 1GB. ROM Storage has also been jacked up to 1GB, 4GB, 8GB, and even up to 16GB of flash memory. This means you can download and run as many apps as you can fill, up to 16GB. Awesome, right?

The Android as a platform and as a class of devices created around the platform has been criticized to be "not as good as the iPhone." Let's face the fact that this is relatively new technology, and it's still in its growing stage. Growth comes with growth pains, and one of those growth pains includes creating a tighter, better standard for the Android devices.

One thing that Android device manufacturers should work on would be how to create an Android that's as fast, as responsive, and has as hefty a storage capacity as the iPhone.

For now, with the Android platform maturing, the devices found on this sheet are the best the market has to offer.

If you're complaining about how the devices have prices too steep, making these even pricier than the iPhone, how about going for a Cherry Mobile Magnum? At Php 13,999 or roughly $329 (at Php 42.50 to $1.00), it's powered by a 1.0GHz Qualcomm Scorpion processor, 512MB of RAM and 2GB of ROM. It's half the price of the most juiced-up Androids, doesn't come with a lock-in contract to a mobile service provider, and it's among the best the market has to offer. Plus, it's a proudly Filipino brand.

Exciting things are coming for the Android aficionado. Watch as the market matures this 2011 and beyond.

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