Can Too Many Androids Spoil Its Own Growth?

6.9.11 The Reporter 0 Comments

Image by eHow Money

In the world of tech, simplicity is key.

Steve Jobs apparently got it right when he figured THAT out. If you notice, from the iPad to the iPhone, and even to the Mac, an Apple product is meant to be operated by anyone from age 5 to 85.

It's not only the simplicity of navigation that Steve Jobs capitalized on. Apparently, he also realized that if a consumer were left with very few choices, it's easier to make a quick purchase.

That seems to be the reason why there is only one iPad and only one iPhone.

Apple can certainly make, say, an iPhone S, iPhone T, iPhone U, iPhone V, just like Samsung does with its Galaxy line. Samsung Galaxy isn't just one phone. There's Galaxy S, Galaxy Pro, and other mind-bending variants of the line.

This, then, is one concern that Android pundits are chewing on, at the moment. Some are saying that there are too many Android phones to choose from; this implies that with too many handsets being churned out by the different companies, there may be a lack of quality control for the platform, as well as too many incompatibilities between devices.

Another concern is that there are too many Android flavors out in the wild by now. And since it's open-source, anyone who can download the OS can very well modify and "fork" it as they please. Yet another problem of diversity is the issue of updating the OS. According to ZDNet, it seems that "Too many cooks [spoil the broth]."

Android is working towards putting standards on the devices that may carry the platform. However, with the new developments in the Android arena, from Amazon Kindle going into producing Android-based tablets, to Baidu planning on taking Android and modifying it to a point where it's no longer recognizable as Android, among other developments, cohesion for the Android seems to be a wish that may never be fulfilled.

Meanwhile, let's comfort ourselves that a new Android Market will be released soon.

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