Big Names On Spotlight: Introducing Andy Rubin

27.7.11 The Reporter 0 Comments

When the word "Android" is mentioned, all sorts of beautiful phones would probably pop up in your mind. Nowhere in your imagination might it occur to you about how it's made up of 11 Million lines of code, of how it is an open-source platform that's free and available online for download and customization, how it's developed by a tiny team of engineers in a sub-division of Google, or how it's an idea that was hatched on a beach in the Cayman Islands, by this guy named Andrew E. Rubin.

Andrew E. Rubin, or "Andy," as he is better known, had a distinguished career in the I.T. Industry. Not just a regular, ho-hum climb up the corporate ladder, mind you. He's worked with the best, as just his list of former employers and the positions he held will show:

  • Carl Zeiss AG -- Robotics Engineer (1986 - 1989)
  • Apple Inc. -- Manufacturing Engineer (1989 - 1992)
  • General Magic -- Engineer (1992 - 1995)
  • MSN TV -- Engineer (1995 - 1999)
  • Danger, Inc. -- Co-Founder and CEO (1999 - 2003)
  • Android, Inc. -- Co-Founder (2003 - 2005)

Today, Andy Rubin holds the title of Senior Vice President of Google, in charge of overseeing the Android project.

So he thought about the Android. So he co-founded the company behind the Android. So he had the guts to pitch the idea to Google and got more than the venture funding he wanted. Big deal. What's so special about this guy, aside from the fact that he did all that?

Maybe it's the fact that the Android had pulled the rug out of the major smartphone players, and like the proverbial dark horse that came up from behind and won the race, in less than 5 years, the Android, as a mobile device platform, has managed to wrestle 59% of the smartphone market share, helped resurrect dying companies (Motorola) and brought the smartphone and other "luxury" devices like tablets to a level that the Average Joe (or Juan) can afford, among other stunning accomplishments. How often does anyone obsess about creating a mobile device platform, dream about offering it as open-source software (meaning it's FREE and highly customizable), then revolutionize an industry, introduce a revolutionary, consumer-friendly business model, and change the world in the process? Not everyday, we bet.

But this is just the start. On Friday, we'll give you juicier trivia on the man behind the Android.


Wikipedia -- Android

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