The Google Motto: DON'T BE EVIL

5.8.11 The Reporter 0 Comments

 Image by NewsReal Blog

We commend Google for the wise use of the "kill switch."

The "Kill Switch," as we narrated the other day, is a remote admin functionality of Android for killing renegade apps that are data-mining malware in disguise. In short, the people in the Android labs in the Google campus have the power to uninstall malware from your Android gadget without your knowledge, and even without needing your permission.

So far, Google has exercised restraint on using the functionality, and only deployed it when malware apps and developers were found to be mushrooming in the Android Marketplace. So far, Google has been responsible and has displayed how it had its end users' best interests in mind. However, not a few people would be able to rest easy knowing that Google has all these "Big Brother" powers.

From Google Earth being able to take satellite photos so clear, burglars had been caught in the act, to your web history being stored in Google's servers indefinitely, and now, to this capability of the Android overlords to kill a few apps as needed on your Android device, how then would a security-needy individual be able to rest easy knowing that Google is truly capable of too much?

How about Google's motto?

Google has a corporate slogan, "Don't Be Evil."

It is what drives the company to create products and make corporate decisions with the end consumers ultimate good in mind. So far, Google has not been reported to abuse the data it has been a steward of.

Google's valor was shown in the case of Google user @thomasmonopoly's predicament. Dylan M., a.k.a. @thomasmonopoly on Twitter, had his whole Google Account locked. Data was thought to be lost as well when Google shut his account down. The reason for the lockdown was that one of the files in his documentary/research project was flagged by Google's algorithm for violation of the Terms of Service. Despite his initial outrage that created waves in Twitter and caught the attention of Google Senior Vice President of Social Vic Gundotra, his faith in Google was restored, as Google proved itself honorable when Google SVP Vic Gundotra personally called @thomasmonopoly and attended to the reinstatement of his Google Account.

This incident is one anecdote that shows that Google is committed to being responsible towards its customers. Despite the fact that user @thomasmonopoly did have a flag-able file, the purpose for which it was in his collection was for academic, documentary and clean reasons. After negotiation, Google showed itself honorable by reinstating @thomasmonopoly's account. Proof that Google is actively upholding its commitment to its motto, "Don't Be Evil."

Will this incident with a happy ending be enough to assure us that Google will not abuse its "powers"? Will the company's consistent exercise of good judgment, honor and commitment to its pro-user core values be enough to convince us that it won't turn into Big Brother anytime soon? Only time will be able to decide.

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