Productivity Apps for the Android

15.8.11 The Reporter 0 Comments

 So now that you're thinking about getting an Android device, or you're holding your Android and thinking about what else you can do with it aside from Facebooking or Tweeting from one of the apps you've downloaded and installed. You're probably wondering what other things you can do with your Android... how about organizing your Android then creating a dashboard for work and productivity?

Then after you've organized your Android to be as orderly as your Obsessive-Compulsive side could be satisfied with, you can fill your Productivity dashboard with these apps:

Gmail. The Android's Gmail app is one of the best reasons to get an Android. If you used to use a Blackberry but found the process of hooking your email to Blackberry's proprietary push email service a little confusing, on the Android, and especially if you use Gmail heavily, all you need is to install the app, configure it with your login credentials, and you're good to go. Not a lot of brain cells killed in the process.

Yahoo Mail and other Mail apps. The Android Market has quite a few mail management Apps, but if you use only Gmail and Yahoo anyway, choose only these two, for reliability and security's sake.

Google Docs. To sync to your Google Docs account and manage it from your Android, this is a must-have if you and your company use Google Docs heavily.

Astrid Task/Todo List. If you're a big fan of to-do lists, then this app should be on your Android. It's a trusted app, even among the tech industry's more popular pundits.

Color Note. If you are an iOS migrant and you were getting spoiled by Awesome Notes, Color Note may be a less sophisticated alternative. For some perfectionist organizers and GTD fans, organizing by color is the way to go.

Jorte. If you need more complexity in your organizer, you'll want Jorte, which has a calendar view, and can even list voice notes. If you don't like its look, AA Task and Schedule St. are viable alternatives.

There are so many productivity apps available on the Android market, that you could go crazy trying them all and seeing which fit your lifestyle. And should your Android device slow down with all the process cluttering it, how about installing a Task Killer so you could kill the offending apps instantly?

The possibilities of an Android device are endless. We're just getting started showing you around.

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