To Err Is Human : More on MotoBlur
I have actually missed the fact that it is a Motorola Dext as seen in the pictures below.
I said to myself, "How could I have missed that?". Frankly, there is only one explanation to it. Like a kid who opens his new presents on Christmas morning, I was eager to dive into my first Android last November 2010 when I bought it in Singapore, easily dismissing what was on the package. Nevertheless, the proof is shown below. It is a Motorola Dext.
I made this emergency post because The Scribbler called my attention that one of our readers, Nikki Vias, made mention that Motorola Blur or Motoblur is not a phone but a software or user interface which collates the updates on social networks in one place.
Aptly put, Motoblur is a push-based service focused on social networking developed by Motorola. It aims at functional similarity to Palm's Synergy, including such features as Remote Wipe. Motoblur includes a variety of widgets which combine various social networking portals such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter as well as other services (news or weather reports) all in one place. Feeds and data are regularly pushed to these widgets.
Blur is the UI, Dext is my phone. MotoBlur is not only on Dext, it is also on Motorola Atrix 4G, CLIQ (DEXT), Backflip, Devour, Flipout, Charm, Droid Pro, Flipside, DEFY, Bravo, Droid X, Droid 3, Droid 2, and Motorola Droid Bionic.
Apologies to all who may have been briefly confused as I was. The fact that when I would turn on my phone and the Blur logo appeared did not help in reminding me that the phone was a Dext.
Oh well, to err is human...and that's why we need exobrains like Android phones!
-Android Pub
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