Social Experiment: 90 Days Without Facebook. Can YOU handle THAT?

8.2.12 The Reporter 0 Comments

We depart from the usual Android talk about gadgets and apps with this piece of news that caught my eye:

This is the story of a guy who had decided to forego the usual things that the modern human, especially us wired, techie folk, are accustomed to: Facebook, Twitter, Texting, and even Email. In this experiment, Jake Reilly lived without a mobile phone, no email, and did without all of his social networking accounts and profiles. Indeed, he lived just as an Amish person probably would have: disconnected.

Read more on the story HERE.

This certainly isn't the first time anyone tried to do a disconnect, and this may not be the last time. But it gives us wired folk reasons to rethink the way we live, don't you think?

I did try living with less Facebook and less online presence around the first weeks of 2012, and it was refreshing. In fact, I believe my life was made richer because I connected more, read more, and was able to enjoy life more, because of less connectivity.

So how about you? Will you be able to survive 90 Days without being connected to the rest of society?

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